Wood is one of the ancient substrates to preserve memories. Photo sticking on wood gives you a new perspective on how amazing images and photographs can look. Keeping up with the trends and new ideas is the agenda of Al-Hafiz Co. Wood is a durable and sustainable substrate. By sticking photos on wood they are preserved for a longer period of time and give a vintage look. You can order any print of your photo sticking on wood in Kuwait. Photos printed on paper can be glued to wood with a clear coat on them for longevity. Matte or glossy surfaced photos can be achieved through special coatings to add the finest finish. The perfect combination can be created through bright colored photographs pasted against the natural colors of wood. Our photos printed on paper in Kuwait can give your picture a unique and attractive finishing touch. A photo posted on wood is a great display of love for nature as well and will add to the beauty of the home and office interiors. Visit Al-hafiz Co. with your family photographs, personal artwork or corporate images and let us turn them into beautiful wall art or a unique addition to cornice decor.